About Me

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I like cheese, dinosaurs, green things, my friends/family/enemies, and comics. I know that I have a long way to go but I cannot wait to become a cartoonist. I love to learn new things, and I hope that by starting this blog it can be my first step towards that goal. I thank my friends and family, and my ability to come up with stories and characters. Here's to the future

July 25, 2012

Happy Belated Birthday ^V^

Sweet babies~~~
Happy Birthday to my original characters Lily and Violet! Truth be told it was July 2nd, correlating with my other friends birthday, and I’ve been…occupied. I swear, in the reality where OC live with their creators, they must be beating me violently. 
Lily is the one with blonde hair Violet has black hair. Its dyed so people can tell the difference between them. Yes they are twins. And they are also Kitsune.
The second picture is Lily and my friend Derek. The three share the same birthday. He’s ___ years old now just like me!!! Behold his comicbooky form on the second picture, playing tennis and winning with Lily, his favorite character from my comic book Come&Sleep. His favorite catchphrase? “COME ON!!!"

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