About Me

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I like cheese, dinosaurs, green things, my friends/family/enemies, and comics. I know that I have a long way to go but I cannot wait to become a cartoonist. I love to learn new things, and I hope that by starting this blog it can be my first step towards that goal. I thank my friends and family, and my ability to come up with stories and characters. Here's to the future

July 29, 2011

Back To School Xo

I go back to school in 17 days.

Like any other sarcastic teenager, I make a big deal of NOT wanting to go, but secretly, I want to. And secretly, I start to design my binders and notebooks, check my completed summer homework twice, and practice waking up at the wee hours.

Oh wait that's not like any other sarcastic teenager---that's being nerdy.


So, to celebrate it, I have put up a sketch of a bobcat, which is our school's mascot, not out of so-called,


Buuut because I like this sketch, from a picture from a National Geographic Magazine, not because it just HAPPENS TO BE THE SCHOOL MASCOT. Seriously.

Nonetheless, people catch wind but mostly sneak peeks at my sketchbook which often contains things that people don't normally see (i.e, experimentation's with cartoon characters and their, ahem, anatomy. Plus fashion ideas. And the occasional sketch of people.)

So, this wonderful picture was then created to become the cover of the school's register packet for next years classes. And then, a trip to the office.

COUNSELOR JERKFACE: So, I hear you made a bobcat picture.

ME: Yeah.

COUNSELOR JERKFACE: Oh. Ok. Well then I ALSO heard that you wanted to use it for blahblahblah

ME: Yeah. Wait, what?

COUNSELOR JERKFACE: So it's settled. However...

ME: What?

COUNSELOR JERKFACE: ...can't you put some color???

ME: DUDE! It's a sketch! You don't put color in sketches unless you want to! i wanted to do a study in shading techniques but NOOOOOoOOOOOOOoooooooooooOOOOOO!!!!! I CAN'T EXPRESS MYSELF WITHOUT HAVING TO DRAW BOBCAT RELATED THINGS! AND IF I DO, god forbid, I HAVE TO MAKE IT CRAPPY TO SATISFY YOU AND EVERY TEACHER IN THIS SCHOOL AND BLEUGGGGGH!!!

Then, I promptly bit his head off.


(NOTE: It's totally safe for me to write this stuff based on my expeirences because I don't think he would EVAH go to this blog, nor any other BHS adminstrator/teacher/librarian/whatever WOULD GO TO IT.)

(NOTE 2: This really didn't happen. And the last things I said were my thoughts actually)

(NOTE 3: I don't draw bobcats anymore.)

(NOTE 4: Which is a shame really, because they're cute.)

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