About Me

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I like cheese, dinosaurs, green things, my friends/family/enemies, and comics. I know that I have a long way to go but I cannot wait to become a cartoonist. I love to learn new things, and I hope that by starting this blog it can be my first step towards that goal. I thank my friends and family, and my ability to come up with stories and characters. Here's to the future

May 26, 2011


Left to right is me and my sister Kim at Wal-Mart

There is no background because every single Wal-Mart looks like the SAME THING.

So, I wore some relatively buisness-like clothes that were a change from my usual uniform of jeans and a t-shirt, and my sister, always the boy-crazy one, said I made some guys stop and stare.

Great. Now I'm like Chiyo-chan fron Memiors of a Geisha, according to her.

I don't think being able to make men stare in Wal-Mart makes you awesome though--now if it was target I would pay attention. 

: D

Just kidding.

By the way, she kept cracking jokes and I just wanted to get out of there and go to sleep, which explains the picture. (Done as a request from her).

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