So, like, I make comics, and I totally have a graphic novel. But for now you get a sneak peek. : D
In case you was wondering (which you probably weren't) I use nibs and Speedball ink for the inking process, although I sometimes use Sharpies and Microns for the panels and words.
I usually pencil with a regular HB or a 0.7 Pentel mechanical pencil, although I've been experimenting with H and F pencils as I do pencil heavily.
Some proof:
I usually use cheap-old sketch/notebooks for storyboarding (this is for chapter five) and sometimes make one page equal eight pages, saving on stuff and whatnot, very loosely based on Bryan Lee O' Malley's storyboards.
Most of the time, whenever I get inspired (by anything really, mostly music tho') I come up with character ideas and scribble down ideas.
More below!!! (These are just ones I found in my jump drive, so they're kind of unrelated to the chapter heh heh they're just examples)
So yeah. Afterwards I might use colored pencils and watercolors, although I would like to experiment with just using ink.
In case you was wondering (which you probably weren't) I use nibs and Speedball ink for the inking process, although I sometimes use Sharpies and Microns for the panels and words.
I usually pencil with a regular HB or a 0.7 Pentel mechanical pencil, although I've been experimenting with H and F pencils as I do pencil heavily.
Some proof:
I usually use cheap-old sketch/notebooks for storyboarding (this is for chapter five) and sometimes make one page equal eight pages, saving on stuff and whatnot, very loosely based on Bryan Lee O' Malley's storyboards.
Most of the time, whenever I get inspired (by anything really, mostly music tho') I come up with character ideas and scribble down ideas.
More below!!! (These are just ones I found in my jump drive, so they're kind of unrelated to the chapter heh heh they're just examples)
So yeah. Afterwards I might use colored pencils and watercolors, although I would like to experiment with just using ink.