About Me

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I like cheese, dinosaurs, green things, my friends/family/enemies, and comics. I know that I have a long way to go but I cannot wait to become a cartoonist. I love to learn new things, and I hope that by starting this blog it can be my first step towards that goal. I thank my friends and family, and my ability to come up with stories and characters. Here's to the future

August 26, 2011


check IT out!!!
I'm on Matt Dembicki's blog!!!
If you don't know, he's a cartoonist who did a couple of stuff, and he's not pretty bad at drawing.

Quite recently he worked on an anthology project, Trickster, complied of graphic-novel versions of Native American stories about Tricksters, like Coyote, Crow, among others. My English teacher was part of the project, and seeing as how I am literally OBSESSED with all things comicbooky, he invited me to a book signing at a Barnes and Noble.

Afterwards he asked if I could do a commentary on said book, and said commentary has been REPOSTED on his blog.

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