About Me

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I like cheese, dinosaurs, green things, my friends/family/enemies, and comics. I know that I have a long way to go but I cannot wait to become a cartoonist. I love to learn new things, and I hope that by starting this blog it can be my first step towards that goal. I thank my friends and family, and my ability to come up with stories and characters. Here's to the future

June 1, 2011

Thirty Days Project

I've see other blogs and artists do this for a while, and since I'm now in the leisure of summer (or at least that's what my English teacher said), I'm going to attempt the inconceivable!!! (insert voice of that one guy from The Princess Bride) INCONCEIVABLE!!! (insert Monty Python Guys) GET ON WIT IT!!! Well, I'm going to try to do the Thirty Days Project, in which an artist (like me) will create a picture/illustration/comicbook page a day! So, by the end of June, I will have 30 pictures! However, due to the fact that I can't upload photos via phone, you have to contend with a few, but I'll upload all thirty images by the end.. So, without further ado, let's bgin!

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