About Me

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I like cheese, dinosaurs, green things, my friends/family/enemies, and comics. I know that I have a long way to go but I cannot wait to become a cartoonist. I love to learn new things, and I hope that by starting this blog it can be my first step towards that goal. I thank my friends and family, and my ability to come up with stories and characters. Here's to the future

April 28, 2011


Oh. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Kayla V Shaggy, i like drawing, making people laugh, and i want to be famous. And, well, this is Halcyconic Daydreams, imagnation/cheese/awesomenss. Sooooo...this is my blog. Like any other blog, it is the random stuff that springs forth from my mind like the water fountains at Las Vegas. But unlike other blogs, it has a smattering of sarcasm mingled with pictures of various things (usually stuff that i draw/shoot/see) and occasional ponderings on the going-ons of today's world like Lady Gaga or cartoons. Which would make it a cartoonist/monster blog? Who knows. For those that will "follow" in a stalker-esque maner, thanks. For those that don't, you can go subscribe to Britney Spears twitter account for all i care. The woman has a more exciting life than me. For those that know KNOW me, hi. But the purpose is missing--when i'm not talking smack i'm usually wanting advice or comments on my drawings. Also, mebbe i can be like those online cartoonists and have my webcomics published and sold at your nearby Barnes&Noble. That's far in the future tho' so you'll have to be content with (somewhat) humble beginnings. Kudos to my bestie Derek for telling me about blogspot, my parents for conceiving/raising me, my sisters for helping/tolerating me, my friends for well, being awesome!!! (u know who u r there's so many of you i could have my own army :)) and my teachers teaching me. SOON, i will be rich and famous and you can tell your friends/familiy, "hey, i KNOW that chick!" Other than that, just wait and watch the show.


me and my sister kim coloring eggs (image by moi)

Hello! This is my first post, with a first picture, and a first blog thingy expeirence!

So even though easter has come and passed, I'm still wondering about the religous aspect of it.
I didn't really pay attention to the preacher when i was young, more concerned with getting the bread and water, seeing as how I couldn't yet eat my candy, but now I realize there's more to it than chocolate animals and colored eggs.

As the back of a t-shirt reads,"he gave his life so that you can live yours", Jesus sacrificied himself so othat we can live today. But I already knew that. One thing I DIDN'T know was that the people, the public, the citizens of Rome had a decision--they could choose Jesus or Barrabas. Who was Barrabas? He was a jerkface, basically--raped women, killed people, and generally did bad things.

So why the heck did the people save him instead of Jesus? Apparently back then the only people that were of sound mind and devoutly following the King of Jews were the few, and the rest were just as bad as Barrabas. So I watched the old school movie starring Anthony Quinn, and have taken myself upon it to study the stories in the bible more seriously.

Acting was okay, although much better than the stuff they show in today's theater (ex: I'm talking to you Hollywood) and the effects sparse but very excellent. One example would be in the beginning scenes, where Barrabas exits the jail. upon getting out, he sees a very bright light that makes him cover his eyes, and mistakes it for the sun.

But, no, it was Jesus himself, wearing a red cloak and a crown of thorns, about to carry his own cross to the Crucifixion. I found this scene to be the one full of symbolism, and by far the most emotional one. How close was Barrabas was to the Jesus that later Christians found out, to which he thinks it not to be very amazing. And yet, why is this man constantly saved, through sheer luck, through being a prisoner, a miner, a farmer, a gladiator, and then later dies?

If it were me I would have killed him, but I eventually knew that he would appreciate this and learn to love others, even if it's in a gruff, endearing manner. SPOILER ALERT!!! He didn't, and once again mistook the actions of others to be the act of God, causing himself to be crucified, asking the darkness to take him over.

My only question was if he ever truly believed in God, or Jesus. He saw the latter with his own eyes, but denies this. Would he have lived on to 100+ years if he did? Who knows. Otherwise, a great film, although its a little on the long side, but very thoughtful.
Other than that I had a great Easter, getting baskets full of candy, eggs, and pencils (which I use often) and colored eggs, of which one decipts a lovely demon bunny.